Thursday 8 August 2019

Science behind Hindu temple

When we visit any Hindu temple we usually ring the bell, and see mangalarathi of god, put our hands over the camphor flames, drink theertham, apply tilak given by priest and finally the pradakshina around the garbhagriha. In this blog let us know the scientific reason behind this rituals that we do in all temples that we visit.

Five senses of human body are activated:

Yes, the reason is five senses of human body are activated. Ringing the temple bell when we enter the temple hearing sense activated. The moment we ring the bell it 

Produces a sharp and enduring sound which lasts for minimum of seven seconds in echo mode. The duration of echo is good enough to activate all the seven healing centres in our body. This results in emptying our brains from all negative thoughts. Lightning camphor in front of idol sight sense activatated. The inner core of the temple us usually dark where the idol is placed. This light seen inside the  dark activates your sight sense.
Put your hands over the camphor flames and then touch eyes, touch sense activated. Offering flowers to god at the temple smell sense activated the fragrance of the flowers, camphor, instance sticks all together, the strong essense to jeep your smell sense activated and pleasant giving calmness to the mind. Drinking theertha, taste sense gets activates. By drinking this thulasi water you activate the taste sense. After the activation of 5 senses doing pradakshina around the garbhagriha or moolasthana. When you do the pradakshina at this point  of time, you tend to absorb all the positive vibrations once your five senses are activated. This vibration inside the garbhagriha is considerably less and hence it is advised to visit the temple every often and follow the same ritual again.
By applying the tilaka or kumkuma given by the priest on the forehead, between the two eyebrows,  there is a spot that is consudered as a major nerve point in human body since ancient times. While applying kumkuma the points on the mid brain region and adnya- chakra are automatically pressed. This also facilitates the blood supply to the face muscles.

So let us visit Hindu vedic temple with faith and devotion towards creator.

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