Friday 9 August 2019

Panchamrita importance

Panchamrita is a sweet concotion used in Hindu worship and in the prayer rituals known as pujas. The name comes from the Sanskrit, pancha, meaning five and amrit, meaning immortal or nectar of the gods. Traditional recipe for panchamrita consists of five ingredients: raw milk, curd, honey, sugar and ghee. These five ingredients which when combined together enhances the quality of each other and acts like amrit ie., nectar and hence it is called panchamrita.

Panchamrita recipe:

Following are the quantities of ingredients used to prepare panchamrita, special care should be taken not to mix equal quantities of ghee and honey, as it is a poison, but if taken in different quantities it enhance each other and healthy. 

Sugar -  1 tsp
Curd   - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp
Milk.  - 5 tsp
Ghee. - 2 tsp 

Mix the above ingredients in indicated quantity in a bowl, panchamrita is ready .

What makes panchamrita special is its five ingredients. Milk, preferably cow's milk is light to digest, nourish body and mind, improves strength of muscles and body. Curd which acts as a probiotic and contains essential amino acids also helps in digestion. Ghee increases memory, intellectual power, increases digestive capacity. Honey in ayurveda is said as "yogavahi" which  acts as carrier, it increases the qualities of other four ingredients and lastly sugar provides energy, reduces fatigue, dryness in body. Panchamrita is useful to tackle acidity and fatigue, immunity booster, promotes emotional and mental health and it is highly recommended during first trimester of pregnancy. 

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